Thursday, August 1, 2019

Flash Player Chrome Debug

Applies to: flash player 10 flash player 11 flash player is integrated with google chrome as pepper plug-in. sometimes, it's necessary for developers to install the content debugger to debug their code.. After disabling the default chrome-managed version of flash player the adobe flash player version checker reported the correct debugger version. i was now able to debug flex applications in flash builder 4, though it still told me i wasn't running a debugger player.. It seems chrome has been updated (from 6.x to 7.x - potentially quite a few fundamental changes). but, though the built-in flash player plugin to chrome is working, we're now getting a white frame with the flash debug player. it doesn't load anything, not even the swf, no imprint on the logs, nothing..

I'm also seeing this issue, however i'm not sure that info.plist posted by dig is the correct location. but regardless, here is mine - shows ppapi debug version correctly installed, but does not show the debug version in chrome plugins.. Chrome provides an up to date flash player for linux, but only the release version. it would be great if there was a pepper debug player, as the linux debug player provided by adobe is out of date and not 64-bit compatible.. The default log file location changed between the initial flash player 9 release and the flash player 9 update. in the initial flash player 9 release, the default location was the same directory as the mm.cfg file, and you could update the log file location and name through the traceoutputfilename property..

flash player chrome debug

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